About Us
Drive Aware North Texas is an educational campaign aimed at improving negative driver behaviors that are the leading contributing factors for serious injury and fatality crashes in the North Central Texas region.
2018-2022 16-County Crash Totals

What’s Causing So Many Crashes?
Contributing Factors for Serious Injury and Fatality Crashes

Note: The Contributing Factor Analysis above includes Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Contributing Crash Factors on limited access facilities in the NCTCOG 12-County MPA only. Speeding has been the number one contributing factor for all analysis done from 2010-2020. For more information on contributing factor trends for previous years, please visit the NCTCOG Safety Program webpage.

Speeding crashes occur when drivers either exceed speed limits or drive at unsafe speeds for road conditions. As of late May, speeding was an identified crash factor in 147,274 total crashes, 1,331 fatal injury crashes, and 4,738 suspected serious injury crashes in the NCTCOG region from 2018-2022, by far the most common crash factor. Speeding crashes occur the highest before and after common work hours (7 AM and 5 PM).
Impaired Driving
Crashes involving a driver impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs, legal medication or drowsiness have remained one of the top ten contributing factors in both the state of Texas and NCTCOG region. As of late May, Impaired Driving was identified as a contributing factor in 31,226 total crashes, 725 fatal crashes and 1,826 suspected serious injury crashes in the NCTCOG region from 2018 – 2022. The highest rate of impaired driving increases into the nighttime and peaks dramatically at 2 AM.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving can be any activity that takes a driver’s attention away from the roadway. Distractions can include anything from texting, talking on a mobile device, using social media, eating, drinking, putting on makeup, shaving, reading, programming a navigation system, watching a video, adjusting the radio, and even talking to passengers. Although believed to be greatly under-reported, as of late May, distracted driving crashes were reported in 76,750 total crashes, 240 fatal crashes and 1951 suspected serious injury crashes in the NCTCOG region from 2018 – 2022.
Wrong-Way Driving
The National Transportation Safety Board identifies wrong way driving crashes on high-speed divided highways as the most serious type of highway collision. Although wrong way driving collisions occur less frequently than other crashes, they are more likely to result in fatal and serious injuries than other types of crashes. Wrong way driving crashes also known as head-on collisions involve two motor vehicles traveling straight and in opposite directions prior to the event of impact. As of late May, wrong way driving crashes were the identified crash type in 3,087 total crashes, 204 fatal crashes, and 292 suspected serious injury crashes in the NCTCOG region from 2018-2022.